Articles, Press and Radio

Ultra-processed foods are everywhere – but a few small tweaks to your diet can minimise the damage they cause. Here’s how to go about it

Research found that British teens get two thirds of their calories from UPFs, so Sophie Morris asked experts which we really should avoid

Although there are many health benefits of a plant-based diet – will increasing your intake of plant-based foods decrease your IBS symptoms?

Expert nutritionists have come together to produce some healthy, gut-loving recipes to kickstart 2024 healthily.

Diet products are out and full-fat is back in, according to a new report on our shopping habits.

When Marianne Power was burnt out and ill, her mother’s chicken soup was the only thing that seemed to help. Could ready made bone broth have the same effect? She tried it out, and spoke to the experts

The Insider
I’m a vegan who wants to be healthier. A dietitian shared 10 foods that will help me get the right nutrients.
May 20, 2023

2022 The Big Dietetic Debate
The Big Dietetic Debate: Diet Trends Emerging in 2022 and Beyond. Podcast chatting to Harriet Smith RD, joined by Jennifer Low RD.

2018 Guide to Complementary Feeding for the Journal of Health Visiting

Gut Food to Improve your Mood: UKTV Good Food.

BBC Radio Solent
Priya talks live on BBC Radio Solent about gut health. January 2018.

IBS and the Microbiome
Article on IBS and the Microbiome – July 2017 Issue 126 fermented foods IBS and microbiome

Juices and Smoothies
Article on Juices and Plant Waters – April 2017 Issue 123 Juices and Smoothies

Coconut Products
Article on Coconut Products – March 2017 NHD EXTRA Issue 122
Priya talks about the DASH diet – Jan 2017

Priya talks about detox diets.

Priya quoted in Coach Magazine on Sugar Addiction and Reducing Sugar, April 2016

Priya comments on Red Meat for the Daily Mail, November 2015

3 easy way to get your daily Vitamin D

Priya comments on the health benefits of whole grains, March 2015
Priya comments on research about how eating cooled rice can lead to less calories being absorbed
March 2015
Huffington Post
Quoted talking about Joanna Lumley’s diet, February 2015
PT Magazine
The Raw Food Diet – Priya quoted in the November 2014 issue.

Priya gives a Hospital Food Commentary Scottish Mail – October 22nd 2014.
Glamour Magazine
“5 minutes with Priya Tew”
Closer Magazine
“The only diet rules you’ll ever need in May 2014”
Huffington Post
“Everything you need to know about the Mediterranean Diet…”
Vegan Diets in the Daily Mail
“Priya is quoted in the Daily Mail on vegan diets on 10th Sept 2013″
Priya comments for the Daily Telegraph
“Can you have your cake and eat it?” Priya comments on the Dukan Diet 6th May 2013, read it here.
Priya talks on BBC Radio Solent

Listen to Priya on the Katie Martin Show: 9th January 2013 talking about fizzy drinks, diets and giving top tips on eating well.
Priya Tew on BBC Radio Solent 090113

Priya is quoted as Media Spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association – January 2013
Priya Talks on BBC Radio Solent

Listen to Priya talking on BBC Radio Solent to Alina Jenkins in October 2012.
Dietetics Today Magazine
Priya’s Article on Breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding Article in Dietetics Today Aug 2012

Priya quoted in the Guardian, in July 2012 about Fertility and Diet: see 4th page, right hand column.
Read Priya’s comments on Victoria Beckham’s face – 17th February 2012 :
The personality diet: Knowing your weaknesses is key to weight loss, says neuroscientist – 29th August 2011
Dietician Priya Tew added: ‘People could read this book and say: “It’s my personality. That’s why I’m not losing weight.” My concern is it could be used as an excuse.’
Sweets are ‘good for children and may stop them from getting fat in later life’
– 1st July 2011
Southampton-based dietitian Priya Tew said that children who were given treats by their parents learned lessons that stood them in good stead later in life.
‘It could be that children get used to treats but learn to have smaller portions and not have them every day,’ she said, adding: ‘I’d be interested to see how much exercise the children in the study carried out because it might be that the children who eat the most sweets run around the most.’
Health-conscious Britons eat foods they hate – 20 Jan 2009
Nutritionist Priya Tew said: “We are all aware that some foods are better for us than others but I’m astonished at the amount of people forcing themselves to eat food they don’t like, especially when it doesn’t have to be this way.
“With a little bit of research you can usually find an alternative food to provide the nutrients you need – for example, beef or dried apricots are a great source of iron instead of forcing yourself to eat spinach.
“And if oily fish isn’t a favourite food, flax seed or walnuts are a good alternative.
“You can even sneak some foods in you’d like to eat for their health benefits but don’t like the taste of without realising it – for example, spaghetti Bolognaise makes a great cover for carrots and celery.”
Read more
Priya is sceptical about miracle mushrooms – TRAIL, August 2008
Priya discusses the wonder of Jaffa Cakes! – TRAIL, December 2007