Are you ready to move forward in your eating disorder recovery?

In this 12-week online group coaching course you will get the steps and support to help you manage your eating disorder and move into recovery.

Image of Priya Tew, eating disorder dietitian in her kitchen in a green dress
NEXT COURSE SEPTEMBER 2024 – Doors Open 1st August

Living with an eating disorder is difficult

You are  fed up of constantly thinking about food all day, having to plan what you eat and then feeling guilt and shame after eating. You just aren’t sure what you should be eating and want the nutrition support from an expert.

You have been through some therapy/are having therapy but know you need more between those 1-1 sessions for accountability and support.

You feel trapped in the cycle of restricting food and tracking calories in order to stay a certain weight. You know this isn’t how it should be, but each time you try a food challenge, it overwhelms you.

You look like you have life under control from the outside, yet those eating disorder thoughts are holding you captive and you want to move into full recovery, a life of peace with food and your body.

You feel you should be better by now! You have worked on your eating disorder and are more stable. Yet, deep down, you know there is still work to be done and you cannot do that on your own

You feel lonely and isolated in your recovery, no-one around you really seems to understand which makes it so hard on a day to day basis to keep moving forward.Yet you really want to aim for full recovery.

Priya Tew, from Dietitian UK

Fed up of your eating disorder?

Well, let’s work on Eating Disorder Recovery TOGETHER

Join the Waitlist

Bookings open 1st August, Next Course Starts 16th September

You’re Invited to…

The Recovery Tribe

The recovery tribe is a 12 week online eating disorder recovery course
Join the Waitlist

Let’s get you moving forward

In the Recovery Tribe Course you will gain the confidence to know what to eat, how to challenge fear foods, your food thoughts  and how to move forward in your eating disorder recovery. This is the promise that you will be better after 12 weeks, but the promise you will feel more motivated and be further forward in recovery. Because recovery is a long road but I truly believe you really can get there. 

Weekly Nervous System Down Regulation Session

The Recovery Tribe Course

£ 597 .00

for the 12 weeks, including all downloadable resources (which you can keep afterwards) and access to the recorded video content, community and access to me for the 12 weeks.

What people say…


Then this course is for you

How does enrolment work?

Once you have paid, you will be sent a health questionnaire form to complete. This will help Priya check that you are a good fit for the course.
If needed, a refund will be given if Priya thinks that now is not the right time for you to take part in the course.
A week before the course starts, you will be sent your log-in information and there will be videos to work through so that we can discuss these at our first group-coaching call.
Each course will only take a maximum of 8 people

Who is this course NOT for?

If you are losing weight, feeling unmotivated in recovery, have not seen your GP yet or are having intensive treatment right now, then 1-1 support would suit you better.
If you have other complex health issues then these may be better supported in 1-1 sessions

What is in the course?

With a community group that you can connect in and be accountable in.12 weeks of group coaching from me, Priya Tew, Specialist Dietitian with over 15 years helped people with recovery from Eating Disorders.
With weekly LIVE group support via zoom calls for goal setting, working on specific problems and putting coping skills in action.
With videos to watch at your own pace through the week.
With a weekly Question and Answer time.
With a community group that you can connect in and be accountable in.

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