
Make peace with food and recover from your eating disorder

Booking a consultation, image of Priya Tew from Dietitian UK

Do you…

  • Feel anxious at the thought of eating more?
  • Try to eat as little as possible each day, tracking your intake and feeling obsessed with food?
  • Feel cold, low in mood and energy?
  • Not have your period and know this isn’t right?
  • Know your relationship with food is not right, but feel unsure how to fix it?
  • Worry about someone close who is not eating properly and needs specialist support?

You want:

  • To have a happy and healthy relationship with your food and body. Where you can eat all foods without fear and feel safe knowing your weight will not spiral out of control.
  • To have guidance and compassionate support from an expert who really does care. To feel understood and heard.

But here’s the problem…

  • You know what to eat but you feel overwhelmed and just can’t put it into practice. However hard you try it doesn’t work.
  • You don’t trust what those close to you say. Social media is confusing and you aren’t sure what to believe anymore.
  • You don’t want your weight to spiral out of control and to end up hating your body, but you know you need to nourish it.

The Truth:

Most of us struggle with our relationship with food and our bodies at some stage of life.

This could be due to a traumatic event in life or a life change. Or perhaps the world around you tells you that being thin is beautiful and you are shown body perfect images over and over. It can be hard to ignore it.

Maybe social media shows you pictures of perfect diets or you read that eating processed foods is bad. You might try the latest fitness craze, want a healthier body or turn to food for comfort. Sadly, eating disorders are a lot more common that you would think and they can take over your mind and life.

I’ve been there

My passion for this work has come partly from my own struggles. As a teen I struggled with my own body image and eating. Skipping meals, feeling hungry all the time and over-exercise was my coping mechanism.

Why am I sharing this? Because I get it and I want to help.

I believe that you can get to a place where you can appreciate your body and enjoy all foods. A life recovered is a life full of joy and multicolour.

You’re not alone – Let’s start healing your relationship with food together


“Priya, has been the most kind, compassionate dietitian I have ever worked with”

“This time last year I starved myself on my birthday. Today I ate birthday cake for the first time in 4 years.”

“I just wanted to message to thank you so much for our session yesterday. My husband afterwards he said he had felt like crying at times. We both felt so reassured by your professionalism and understanding of this difficult horrible disease. We have had such a negative experience so far with the people who are in charge of helping us so it was brilliant to feel some hope after talking to you.”

 “She is now well, eats all foods without judgement and is back enjoying life, thanks to you”

“I feel like you understand it and are very slowly and gently trying to get me to move forwards
each time I see you.”

Book an Eating Disorder Dietitian Consultation

4 Session Package

£ 497 .00

(RRP £578)

An initial in depth 60 minute initial session

3 follow up sessions

An in depth assessment of your nutritional needs, goal setting, and education

A tailored report with educational resources

To get you started on your journey with eating disorder recovery, weight restoration and motivational work. You can add extra follow up sessions onto this package later. Also a good choice if you have a therapist and just need some dietitian sessions.

6 Session Package

£ 697 .00

(RRP £790)

An initial in depth 60 minute initial session

5 follow up sessions

An in depth assessment of your nutritional needs, goal setting, and education

A tailored report with educational resources

All sessions to be used within 6 months

Payment needs to be made at least 24 hrs before the session:

Please see terms and conditions

Follow Up Sessions are booked in blocks of 4 or 8 once the initial sessions have been taken.

Therapists we work with

Sophie Killip has over seven years of international experience, working with teens and adults in the field of mental health, particularly in eating disorders and body image. With a degree in Psychology and a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counselling, we are delighted to have her as an associated therapist.

Sophie Killip, therapist who works with Dietitian UK


What do we cover in sessions?

After years of experience, working with so many wonderful clients, I know that everyone is different. Recovery needs to be individualised for you and your needs. That’s why each session is tailored exactly for you in a very holistic way. As an expert eating disorder dietitian I assess where you are in your journey and work with you on the areas you either need to work on or are ready to work on. Recovery is not easy and it really does need specialist support, including your dietitian, therapist and doctor as a minimum. Sessions include: education on nutrition, the body, metabolism for starters. We cover some psychological work around food and your body and help you work on motivation too. We may include some breath work and grounding for your nervous system and we also help you work on food fears and challenges, when you are ready. At later stages we work on maintenance, mindful movement (aka exercise for the right reasons) and intuitive eating.

Is there support between sessions?

Some clients will be offered support via an app and we offer email support too. This will be agreed in your session.

How many sessions will I need?

This depends on where you are in your recovery journey and who else you are working with. Some people make great progress in 4 sessions and others will work with us for a year. If you have never had a dietitian work with you and you know that you are going to need plenty of support, then I recommend the intensive package.

Am I sick enough for help? I’ve been told I’m not low enough weight.

Yes everyone deserves help at any stage of this journey and we want to help you. Getting help earlier on is far better for your long term health so please do not wait to get sicker. Please do reach out wherever you are at and let’s have a chat. Some eating disorder services have criteria they need to stick to before they can offer support. As a private practice we do not have that same criteria and can offer help at almost any stage.

If you are too unwell then we will need to be under a medical team but can work with you when you are more stable.

As a specialist eating disorder dietitian (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder), I have over 15 years experience helping people recover, which means I know full well how hard it is. For me, a holistic approach is key, not just looking at nutrition in isolation but look at the rest of life too.  If you need help getting your eating back on track I am here to help with education, meal planning, practical help, support and an understanding ear.

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