

Childhood Obesity – due to larger portions or eating too frequently?

One of the big connundrums around obesity is whether people put on weight because they: 1. Eat more at each meal/snack (larger portions) so eat more calories or… 2. Eat more frequently, so eat more calories. With levels of childhood obesity rising at an alarming rate, young children is an area we need to focus

Childhood Obesity – due to larger portions or eating too frequently? Read More »

Priya speaks out on the sugar in children’s drinks on Wave 105 radio

A Southampton dietitian has told Wave 105 how many parents are unaware of just how much sugar is in supposedly “healthy” fruit drinks for children. Priya Tew is offering mums and dads advice on healthy alternatives to make sure their children are not exceeding their recommend daily intake (RDA) of sugar. It comes as a

Priya speaks out on the sugar in children’s drinks on Wave 105 radio Read More »

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