
Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes

What are eating disorder recovery quotes?

Eating disorder recovery quotes can be an additional tool in your eating disorder toolkit to support in your recovery. Those days when you don’t feel like you can keep going, are the days you need a set of affirmations or positive phrases to pull out of your back pocket and read out loud. These simple, yet profound statements have the power to reshape thoughts and support recovery via self-compassion and acceptance. Whilst you can rely on quotes you find, It’s a great idea to make your own personal list of affirmations and eating disorder recovery quotes. By saying these specifically out loud it can help you change your mindset and continue to choose recovery.

Read on for more on eating disorder recovery quotes and you can download my free 50 Affirmations booklet here.

What are affirmations and how do they work?

Eating disorder recovery quotes or affirmations are simple statements that speak out the positive and the truth, using these can help to reroute our thought processes. If someone if always telling you the bad things, you tend to believe them, so by speaking out the positive it can help to lay down next thought pathways. This is due to something called neuroplasticity. Essentially, this means our brain can rewire itself to function in a new way. When it comes to eating disorder recovery, this rewiring can be utilised to change thought processes. It is a key part of eating disorder treatment.

Affirmations serve as gentle reminders of self-worth and resilience, counteracting the negative self-talk that often accompanies eating disorders. They can help you challenge harmful beliefs about your body, food, and worthiness. By repeating affirmations regularly, you will gradually internalise positive messages, literally rewiring your brain.

Think about walking along the same pathway everyday, it becomes second nature doesn’t it, you find a set route. If you have to take a new pathway you have never walked down before there is a lot more effort, you may need a map, to be more aware of where you are walking and it takes time to get used to the path. This is like our thoughts, it takes time and effort to lay down new pathways in the brain but it can be done.

Affirmations for Eating Disorder Recovery written on a peach background

How do I start writing affirmations?

Using the present tense when using affirmations can help your brain to believe that these statements are true. Try using these in your daily life, saying them every day for a month. You could have them on post it notes around the house, have them on your phone, stick them in your car, make a set of cards to read through morning and evening.

Work on building up the affirmations that you need to hear most to support your recovery and progress. Think about phrases others have said to you that have been helpful, think about the issues you struggle most with and what phrases help you there. You can find quotes about eating disorders recovery, but writing your own could be useful too.

Why are eating disorder recovery quotes helpful?

1. Reprogramming negative beliefs:

Eating disorders often stem from deeply ingrained negative beliefs about yourself, body image, and worthiness. If you feel rubbish about yourself you won’t want to take time to care for and nourish yourself – even though you know your body needs food. You may think on your worst dasy that you are not worth it, that others matter more or that you don’t deserve nice things. These beliefs may have come from words others have said to you, from your childhood or even from social media. Affirmations provide a means to challenge and reframe these harmful beliefs, replacing them with positive, empowering messages. Everyone deserves care and all bodies deserve to be looked after, you are worthy to be loved. Through consistent repetition, you can gradually reprogram their subconscious minds, fostering a healthier self-perception.

2. Cultivating self-compassion:

Self-compassion is a cornerstone of eating disorder recovery, but can be derailed by shame. You may feel shame over your body, over your thoughts, over things you may say and do, over who you are. If you are full of shame then recovery is going to be difficult. So it is key to work improving your menatl health, in ways you can be kind to yourself and find the positives you can focus on. These affirmations act as gentle reminders to treat yourself with kindness and understanding. They can encourage you to extend the same compassion to yourself that you would to a loved one in your life.

3. Promoting mindfulness and body awareness

Eating disorder quotes often centre around themes of self-care and listening to your body. By incorporating these messages into daily practice, you can become more attuned to your body’s physical sensations, emotions, and hunger cues. Whilst this can feel scary it really does aid your recovery. Being able to tune into your body can help you meet its needs. This mindfulness fosters a deeper connection with the body and also helps promote intuitive eating habits, which are also an essential component of long-term recovery.

Example affirmations to use in recovery

  • I trust myself and my body
  • My eating disorder does not define me
  • I am worthy of recovery
  • I deserve freedom from my eating disorder
  • My body deserves kindness
  • I am not perfect, and that is okay
  • I am worthy of love and acceptance
  • Food is not the enemy
  • My body wants to keep me safe and alive
  • I am proud of my progress
  • All progress is progress, no matter how small
  • My weight is not my worth
  • I deserve happiness
  • I am enough

How to use my Affirmations and Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes

Now you have written your affirmations it is important to use them daily, at least to start with. Place them in key places you will see them everyday and make it a habit to read them out to yourself. Here are some ideas of where to place then and how to use them:

  • – Saving to your phone as a wallpaper.
  • – Sticking to the mirror you look in each day.
  • – Repeating to yourself twice a day -tie in to an activity like cleaning your teeth so you don’t forget, pop them by your toothbrush.
  • – Create a card deck of affirmations and drawing one when you need it, keep them next to your bed.
  • – Make a set to have near the dinner table to use as you eat.
  • – Share them with your supporters so they can repeat them to you as well.
  • – Repeat affirmations to yourself when feeling negative and happy as you want to keep on reinforcing those thoughts.

You can download your 50 Free Affirmations to inspire you to make your own versions.

Remember I’m always here to help and you can book in a session with me for eating disorder support or sign up to my Recovery Tribe Eating Disorder Course and Community for group support.

2 thoughts on “Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes”

  1. Pingback: Tips for Christmas Day with an eating disorder – Drawing Book Health

  2. Pingback: Affirmations & Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes – Health Exercise Book

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