
Author name: Priya Tew, Registered Dietitian

It’s ok to eat differently right now. A Covid-19 post.

I uploaded this to instagram yesterday and it seemed to hit home with people. So I’ve expanded my thoughts below… As a dietitian who works with people suffering from eating disorders and disordered eating my thoughts often leap to thinking how people in those situations may feel. I think this applies to so many more

It’s ok to eat differently right now. A Covid-19 post. Read More »

Choline – What does it do and why do we need it?

Choline, one of those lesser known nutrients that is potentially overlooked. It performs lots of roles in the body with extra importance in pregnancy. It is used to make up the lining of cells. It is used to make acetylcholine, which acts as a messenger, affecting mood and memory, focus, motivation and arousal. Choline is

Choline – What does it do and why do we need it? Read More »

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