So this is our first vlog in a long time. It’s taken me a while to work out a time when my kitchen is not looking like a bomb has hit it, whilst also having 2 happy kids and a charged video camera. Phew. I made it.
Lunches are the one meal that I really find can….
a) get boring,
b) I forget about and then have to rummage in the fridge and hope for the best and
c) is often eaten out of the house so needs to be well planned.
My kids are not great fans of sandwiches, so I try to have a creative lunch making session once a week and involve them as much as I dare. Savoury scones, pizza pinwheels and snack boxes with a range of crackers, veggies and whatever I have to hand are all favourites in our house. These bread swirls are great as they really are quick to make. My kids love to cook as you will see. I try to let them help as much as possible, it always leads to eating and mess, but also teaches them valuable skills and it’s good communication time too. If you don’t cook with your kids then I would really encourage you to give it a go.
- 300g self raising flour
- 40g butter
- 180ml semi skimmed milk
- 100g cottage cheese
- 1 tomato chopped finely
- 50g cheese grated
- Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4.
- Grease a baking tray.
- Weigh out the flour and butter. Rub the butter into the flour.
- Add the milk and mix well to a dough.
- Knead lightly and roll out to a rectangle about 3cm thick.
- Spread the cottage cheese, tomato and cheese over the surface.
- Now roll up like a swiss roll.
- Cut up into chunks about 3cm thick.
- Place on the baking tray and bake for 15 minutes.
- Try other toppings, get creative!