I’m forever loving the idea of veggie burgers but am often disappointed by the result. You know what I mean… they fall apart or just look disappointing. In the back of my brain I have this memory of the burgers I used to eat when I was vegetarian as a teenager. In my head they were delicious, not homemade, but delicious and that is one of my benchmarks. My other benchmark is the burger they make in a cafe we sometimes end up at – a portabello mushroom with halloumi cheese and spinach. Just the most perfect combo.
So after a holiday I’ve come back inspired to try out new recipes and the veggie burger idea was back. Taking a few hints from the River Cottage guys these burgers not only tasted good, held together well and were completely eaten, but my small people also had fun helping to make them. GENIUS. Get the kids to do the dirty work 😉
Here is the recipe. It’s a great way to get your veggies in. I’ve worked it out as being 1 portion of vegetables per burger, if you make them large. This recipe made 8 and I served 2 per adult, 1 per child, but my 5 year old and husband came back for seconds!
Here are the burgers before and after cooking:
- 2 medium courgettes (400g)
- 1 large carrot, peeled
- 2 cloves garlic
- 5 large radishes or 1/2 onion
- 100g dried chickpeas, soaked and cooked or 200g tinned (drained and rinsed)
- 100g oats
- 1 egg
- 1 large handful fresh herbs
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp ginger
- 1 tsp coriander
- Use a food processor to grate the veggies.
- Now add the chickpeas and process to a thick paste.
- Add the oats, egg, herbs and spices for a quick blast in the food processor.
- Use your hands to shape into patties.
- Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan and cook them for a few minutes each side. I pressed them down in the pan to make them thinner and a better shape.
- Transfer to the oven for 10-15 minutes at gas mark 5.
- Serve with homemade potato wedges and a side salad.